Marbleized Stainless Steel

Our Marbleized Stainless Steel is one of our custom patina creations. This patina is created by hand, randomly pouring different acids to produce unique and organic designs.
A very spontaneous and free-flowing design, this patina can be applied to both large and small-sized panels or tiles.

To create a marbleized stainless steel finish, different overtones can be applied to different steel substrates. In these photo-gallery, first, you can appreciate the popular copper and bronze patina shades, and secondly, a black and gray patina shade.

Please note that steel panels are deeply reflective and this can affect the perceived color of the panel. For example, in the pictures showcasing the gray patina shade, you can see some blue hues that are given by the surroundings of the panel, not by the panel’s patina or substrate.

For installation methods available download the spec sheet below.

Please callĀ 406-582-0711 for pricing and order information
or email us atĀ